What are the steps in writing an essay?
Refer back to the Research Skills process to ensure that the information you have gathered meets the definition of your task.
- Formulate thesis statement
Organise the notes you have taken into
- Main topics and sub topics
- Record details of all sources consulted
Draft the Introduction
- A general introductory statement which lays the groundwork for the essay
The Body of the essay
- Each paragraph is composed of key points expanded into topic sentences
- The first paragraph begins with a topic sentence which introduces supporting ideas and evidence in the form of citations from your research material
- The second sentence should discuss your support, give examples and analyse the significance of the examples
- The last sentence should draw conclusions and point to the next paragraph
- Each paragraph should work together to prove your main idea
The conclusion
- The conclusion reflects on what has been stated and proved
- Briefly re-state key points to remind the reader of how well you have made your case
- Finish with a statement that leaves a strong impression and point to further thought
Present the information in the format required
- Write the first draft
- Edit and check
- Re-write and edit
- Check spelling and grammatical expression
- Complete the bibliography in Harvard format
Assess your areas of strength and difficulty for future reference.
Congratulate yourself on your achievement.