Study skills:Digital literacy

Digital literacy

What is digital literacy? Digital literacy can encompass a number of different skills including use of computers and other technological devices and a familiarity with the internet and social media.

Digital literacy also includes higher level competencies in content creation, data management, social collaboration and communication, and a learner’s ethical and social responsibilities in an online environment.

Think before you post!! 

How is ‘digital’ different? – It’s 'easily copied, instantly shared, easily edited and viewable by millions'.

Elements of digital citizenship

REP Respect your self & others Etiquette Access Law, Educate your self & connect with others Communication Literacy Commerce, Protect your self & others Rights & Responsibility Safety Health & Welfare


Jack's story - Think before you link (2020)

Not everyone you meet online is who they say they are. Based on a true story, this short animation shows how foreign spies can use the professional and personal information you post online to identify and then target you.


LinkedIn Learning
