Directed by George Clooney, This film provides a provocative, principled and richly detailed snapshot of the moment in history in which a major American television news personality named Edward Murrow used the facts to take on the power of Senator Joe McCarthy during his anti-communist 'witch-hunts'.
This useful HSC syllabus focused guide covers the English Advanced modules of texts and human experiences, textual conversations, critical study of literature, and the craft of writing.
This informative guide covers the features of a film, how to watch, annotate and analyse films, and advise for essay writing with a sample essay on Billy Elliot.
This compilation of essays and articles provides useful primary and secondary source material on anti-communist activities in the United States of American during the Twentieth Century.
This NSW Government website provides support mateial for the HSC critical sudy of literature module B, on Good night, and good luck. It includes a sample assessment and a resource pack with an analysis of the film, characterisations, and themes and values.
When Senator Joseph McCarthy begins his campaign to root out Communists in America, CBS News presenter, Edward R. Murrow dedicates himself to exposing the atrocities being committed by McCarthy's Senate "investigation". This film includes interactive questions.
This episode of 'The Cold War' examines the United States, where fear of Communism led to the Red-baiting of the McCarthy era. It details the loyalty oaths and investigations by the House Committee Un-American Activities.
Oliver Stone's documentary illustrates the fall of the Iron Curtain, and the Red Scare that prompts the rise of Joseph McCarthy, the House Un-American Activities Committee and the FBI.
Covering the start of the Cold War and the use of propaganda as a cultural weapon - this episode examines the rise of Communist governments of post-WW2 Europe with a focus on elections in Italy. The second half looks at the reaction in America and the use of propaganda and the McCarthy Communist witch hunts.
An engaging online series with Jono from Ignite HSC analysing the film Good night, and good luck. Aspects covered include; deconstruction of key scenes, important concepts and formal elements of the film and an exploration of the context of the 'Red Scare' in 1950s America.
George Clooney talks about various apects of his film, including the background story of Edward R. Murrow and Joseph McCarthy, and the political context in which the film was made and released.
During the Cold War, Joe McCarthy’s anti-communist crusade became a media sensation. But he met his match in reporter Edward R. Murrow who was sharply critical of him.
Presented by the theologian Dr. Clifton L. Ganus. Jr., this 1950s propaganda film examines the "Responsibilities of American citizenship" and what it means to not to be a socialist and warns of the presence of communist fifth columnist determined to destroy the property rights of American citizens.
This 1957 Anti Communist film was perhaps the best known anti-communist movie produced during the Cold War. It suggests the Soviet Union built a 'fake' American town in order to train agents to infiltrate an actual American town. It was produced and presented by the Directorate for Armed Forces Information and Education, United States Department of Defense.